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St. Alphonsus Liguori

The Love of Jesus Crucified

The Love of Jesus Crucified

Regular price $14.25
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There is no more efficient way to arrive at the perfect love of Jesus Christ than to meditate constantly on his Passion. The wounds of Jesus are darts and flames which wound the hardest hearts. If we think on the sufferings of our Saviour, it is impossible not to be inflamed with divine love.

 The charity of Christ presseth us. —2 Cor. v. 14.

Nothing forces and presses the soul of man so much as love. If a man knows that he is loved by any one, he feels himself forced to love him. Know, then, that Jesus has loved us so far as to suffer the death of the cross for us. Is not this to have our hearts put under a press, and to feel them squeezed and crushed so as to force out our love.

The Love of Jesus Crucified is taken from the meditations and colloquies contained in St. Alphonsus’ Meditations on the Passion and his Darts of Love. In allowing the Doctor of the Church to guide your meditations, you will find it impossible to refrain from loving a God who has suffered so much to make us love him.  This volume makes a great companion to mental prayer.

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