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Thoughts and Counsels for Catholic Men

Thoughts and Counsels for Catholic Men

Fr. Peter Von Doss
Regular price $16.50 USD
Sale price $16.50 USD Regular price

A great many pernicious counsels are imparted to men now-a-days for the very purpose of effecting their ruin—counsels to sinful enjoyment, to neglect of duty, to dissipation and contempt of God.—O hellish, soul-destroying counsels!

As an antidote, Fr. Peter Von Doss proffers to men these Thoughts and Counsels for Catholic Men.

The line of thought in his counsels is as follows:

+ A man has yielded to temptation and sinned. He is reminded of the malice of mortal sin and the value of his immortal soul. A saving Sacrament is pointed out to him. Behold!—Our Lord Jesus Christ has snatched him from the grave.
+ However, let him take care lest he die again! So counsels are given on growth in virtue, mortification, and prayer.
+ The man is taught to “ascend by steps” to Christian perfection in this life and gain the Beatific Vision in the next.

Thus, the Catholic man is shown the beginning, progress, and completion of his whole spiritual career.

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